Recently while working on one project I had scenario where we has to load N level category and maintain them into memory.Basically I needed something like Tree. So that from any given node I can start traversing down. So this is what I used It is bit customized to my needs but can easily be made generic
I am using Hash Map to store the data. But put method is customized to achieve tree like functionality
Root - Movies
1st level - BollyWood and HollyWood
2nd Level in BollyWood -Aamir Khan Movies,SRk Movies,Govinda
2nd level in HollyWood - Tom Cruise,Brad Pitt
So this is the way We approach t initialize and parse the data structure
Any Suggestions are welcome!!
Since In my case Category ID was supposed be unique I used that to recognize each element uniquely
So this is my simple to my needs)
package com.dataStructure; import java.util.List; public class CategoryBean { private String parentID; private String catID; private ListchildIDs; private String catName; public String getCatID() { return catID; } public void setCatID(String catID) { this.catID = catID; } public List getChildIDs() { return childIDs; } public void setChildIDs(List childIDs) { this.childIDs = childIDs; } public String getCatName() { return catName; } public void setCatName(String catName) { this.catName = catName; } public String getParentID() { return parentID; } public void setParentID(String parentID) { this.parentID = parentID; } }
package com.dataStructure; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; public class TreeImpl extends HashMap { public static String ROOT_PARENT = "-1"; public boolean put(CategoryBean catBean) { boolean insertStatus = false; String parentID = catBean.getParentID(); if (this.containsKey(parentID)) { CategoryBean parent = (CategoryBean) this.get(parentID); List children = parent.getChildIDs(); if(null==children){ children = new ArrayList(); } children.add(catBean.getCatID()); parent.setChildIDs(children); this.put(parent.getCatID(), parent); this.put(catBean.getCatID(), catBean); insertStatus = true; } else if (ROOT_PARENT.equals(parentID)) { System.out.println("Root Node added"); this.put(catBean.getCatID(), catBean); } else { System.out.println("No such parent exist"); } return insertStatus; } public Object get(String key){ return super.get(key); } }Now finally lets say I want to have Category implementation as below
Root - Movies
1st level - BollyWood and HollyWood
2nd Level in BollyWood -Aamir Khan Movies,SRk Movies,Govinda
2nd level in HollyWood - Tom Cruise,Brad Pitt
So this is the way We approach t initialize and parse the data structure
package com.dataStructure; import java.util.List; public class CallTrees { public static int LEFT_INDENT = 0; public static void main(String[] args) { TreeImpl t = new TreeImpl(); populateTree(t); parseTree(t, "1"); } private static void parseTree(TreeImpl t, String location) { CategoryBean cat = (CategoryBean) t.get(location); if (null != cat) { System.out.print(cat.getCatName()+"=>"); ListSo final out output when we navigate from ROOT node would bel = cat.getChildIDs(); if (null != l) { int length = l.size(); System.out.println(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { parseTree(t, l.get(i)); } System.out.println(); } } } private static void populateTree(TreeImpl t) { CategoryBean root = new CategoryBean(); root.setParentID(TreeImpl.ROOT_PARENT); root.setCatID("1"); root.setCatName("Movies"); t.put(root); CategoryBean firstLevel = new CategoryBean(); firstLevel.setParentID("1"); firstLevel.setCatID("2"); firstLevel.setCatName("BollyWood"); t.put(firstLevel); firstLevel = new CategoryBean(); firstLevel.setParentID("1"); firstLevel.setCatID("3"); firstLevel.setCatName("HollyWood"); t.put(firstLevel); CategoryBean secondLevel = new CategoryBean(); secondLevel.setParentID("2"); secondLevel.setCatID("4"); secondLevel.setCatName("Aamir Khan"); t.put(secondLevel); secondLevel = new CategoryBean(); secondLevel.setParentID("2"); secondLevel.setCatID("5"); secondLevel.setCatName("Sharukh Khan Movies"); t.put(secondLevel); secondLevel = new CategoryBean(); secondLevel.setParentID("2"); secondLevel.setCatID("6"); secondLevel.setCatName("Govinda Movies"); t.put(secondLevel); secondLevel = new CategoryBean(); secondLevel.setParentID("3"); secondLevel.setCatID("7"); secondLevel.setCatName("Tom Cruise Movies"); t.put(secondLevel); secondLevel = new CategoryBean(); secondLevel.setParentID("3"); secondLevel.setCatID("8"); secondLevel.setCatName("Brad Pitt Movies"); t.put(secondLevel); } }
Root Node added Movies=> BollyWood=> Aamir Khan=>Sharukh Khan Movies=>Govinda Movies=> HollyWood=> Tom Cruise Movies=>Brad Pitt Movies=>This is not a sophisticated implementation but very simple implementation to get Tree like functionality. Additional methods can be added depending on requirements
Any Suggestions are welcome!!